next month will be a good one.
not that this one ain’t. On the contrary things are already looking up. but the time they are a-changing and the grass is always greener on the other side so here’s to a speedy end for the month so we can plunge head-first and really put the fest into the festive period.
ok that was an atrocious expression, so shoot me.
the end is near. soon to be unleashed upon the civilian world again, I’m sure that I speak for most of us when I say that its not gonna be easy. Readjusting to freedom sounds like a fairly simple affair but actually it isn’t.
Having had little responsibility and duties during our NS stint means makes it that much harder for us to readjust. Suddenly out of a job and having too much time can be quite surreal. Like the split second after you jam your toe against the bed, there’s a moment of numbness when you wonder what’s going on before the pain hits and you go oh $%#@.
Its quite likely that the hole in our wallets will hit home sooner rather than later, ensuring that some balance is restored to our excess free time i.e we will have to seek employment soon.
i’m actually anticipating december much more than the big O. with it comes the end of the year, and wayyy more joy and fun than anytime else in the year. as usual, i’ve got a few unfinished projects sitting on my table yet I go ahead and look for more, what’s new.
its been good, and i’m quite sure it gets better. never felt this good in ages. maybe i’m living vicariously through you, but our goals are one and the same. too bad there’s no way to bend space/time if not life would take many steps in a happier direction.